We produce a variety of "Soft-Touch" tires which provide a surface covering for the film-bearing portion of processing rollers used in the processing of films. A rubber, soft tire with a multi-fingered periphery is mounted on the flat face of the roller to create a uniform film-supporting surface consisting of many flexible fingers. This surface configuration also provides support to the entire width of the film, thereby distributing machine tension and minimizing in-process fluting. These tires may be used to process any 70mm, 35mm or 16mm format film perforated or un-perforated, in the same machine without physical damage or costly changeovers. Our surface configurations include smooth, flat-fingered, rounded-fingered, bars and ribs. We can also custom configure a surface for you.
The J.J. Short Soft-Touch Tire has been accepted by major laboratories the world over as a device essential to cost-effective film processing. Our tires can be molded from silicone rubber, EPDM compounds and millable urethanes carefully formulated to provide the required durometer and the maximum of resistance to chemistry to maximize work life. Soft-Touch Tires are made to provide a stretch fit over the rollers. A Soft-Touch surface tire is available for most rollers used in processing motion picture films, microfilms, and for paper print finishing.
Soft-Touch Tires can be customized to fit your requirements. Furnish
specifications, drawings or sample rollers and advise quantities to be quoted.
Refer to the drawing below to provide critical dimensions for your requirements
when you contact us!


Allen * Agfa Copel * Bremson * Filmline Hills * Hostert Cine* Houston Fearless
Kodak * Noritsu * Pacer * Pako Cine * Refrema * Treise
And many more
Note: Approval from current owner of tooling may be required.
A: ID of rubber tire (OD of roller over which tire fits)
B: Required Width of tire (generally corresponds to width of film being processed; 16mm, 35mm, or 70 mm. Custom sizes also available)
C: OD of rubber tire, including surface pattern
D: Specify your desired surface configuration (Smooth, Rounded fingers, Bars, Ribs, or Custom) |